Hi Everybody,
Thanks for stopping by and joining Lisa & me on our Southern African Adventure.
This trip has been a long time in the making for me, it started back in 2007 with Nakita telling me about her adventures in Southern Africa. The Namib Desert, the Okavango Delta but my all time favourite story is the one of Nakita being chased by an elephant. I would have liked to have seen that whilst cowering behind something from a safe distance and of course I would have got photos.
After lots of research, (not by me I might add, Lisa loves the Trip Advisor forums, I just figure that I want to see and do everything I can and after that its just a matter of fitting it all in) the trip has come together and now its finally here!!!
So how do you know when you are good to go? When you have done the Check List of course...
My Check List
Camera gear; = check (months ago)
Trekking gear; = check (months ago)
Passport; = check (months ago)
Tickets; = check (months ago)
Running shoes; check = (sure I can't out run a Lion!!! but I can out run Lisa, especially if she "accidently" falls over)
Make the rest up as we go; = check (story of my life).
Thanks to the lovely Michelle for dropping us at the Airport, greatly appreciated. Check in and Customs sorted, Duty Free Gin (it's purely medicinal)and life is more than good, it's great!!!
Now its just a matter of getting on the plane and getting gone.
First stop Johannesburg and a Tuk Tuk ride through Soweto.
See you on the other side
Sounds like a promo for a reality TV show. You wrote it Thursday, it's now Sunday. Where is the update?